Saturday, April 16, 2011

SEVEN FANS!!! Whoooo!!! That's a milestone.

    Hello!! I am proud to announce I have one more follower... it's not amazing, I know, but it's a start! I know this person and they are my Dad's girl friend, but a follower is a follower- and every one I get I'm close to ruling the world!!!! Just kidding, but seriously, thanks Brittany!
    Also, a thanks to all my other followers ( mostly more family) for keeping up with my blog ( if you even have been .) One day, when I become famous, I can say in my speech of thanks "Thank you fans, I couldn't have done it without you!"... Don't be afraid to comment or like or do ANYTHING TO SHOW YOU'VE BEEN HERE!!! I'm just kidding again... Alright, now I'm just rambling. Thanks for reading, and I wish you a nice, sunny summer day.