Wednesday, March 28, 2012

The New Quote

Hey! So I just made an interesting discovery. I can access this on my phone! And guess what? It's pretty nice. As you can see, I added a quote. I really like that quote not only because it covers everything-the golden rule, believe in yourself- but also because I like Gandhi. Let me tell you how I found it.
Although I did know it before(because it's famous) I wandered across it when I was doing a recent project. My mom had showed me this essay contest, in which the theme was "Community Responsibility. I love writing, and decided to take this on. But my problem was, with this broad subject, I had no inspiration. Not like inspiration such as a tragic life event, but...well let me explain(getting off topic here again!)
I believe that all good artists whether it be writing, painting, or doing whatever artsy thing,have had something happen to them. like famous artists who had their heart broken. Their art may be especially touching. Or an artist who was a recovering alcoholic. Their art might feature a series of broken glass, or pictures that really show their emotions. Because of this hardship, I think people like their art more. I'm not sure why that is or why I think that- maybe because it makes the artist more real. You getting this? Here's another example. Music. Listening to the radio, when you hear a song about a man who lost his one and only love (You Found Me by the Fray) you will most likely like it. Because its deep, a good song, and inspirational. On the other hand, when you hear I love you like a love song baby repeat-peat-peat-peat-peating for the millionth time, it's not as appealing. Perhaps because you feel much worse for The Fray's hardships, and less for Selena Gomez's millionth break up song. You get me know?
Sorry for this extreme off topic-ness, but I'm just trying to explain what I'm trying to say. Back on topic. While writing this essay, I was looking for a main topic. Something that would make a 13 year-old girl from Virginia stand out from the hundreds of other 13 year-olds entering the contest. My big thing was going to be how Gandhi was like the spokesperson of community; standing up for India and all. But like many other random projects I take on, I never finished my essay. Just some stuff to think about, if it made any sense at all. Thanks for reading! Bye!

1 comment:

  1. Another great Gandhi quote: "Nobody can hurt me without my permission." It is very similar to one of my favorite quotes by Eleanor Roosevelt: "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."
